Saturday, March 31, 2012


The newspaper is quite an extraordinary invention,
Giving due updates about sports, politics and nation.

Hundreds of Hawkers sacrifice their sleep with glee,
In order to provide flavor to the morning tea.

The Hawkers roll the newspaper into its compact version,
And even tiny spaces of the balcony get hit with pinpoint precision.

The FrontPage tells aloud the dynamic overall summary,
Providing a glimpse of the wider inside story.

The pages get earmarked for different topics,
Last page for sports, page three for rumors and gossips.

Astrology, crosswords and puzzles make it a lively spot,
And each successfully printed page is marked by four colored dots.

Each printed set is a result of dedicated cooperative steam,
The day belonging to Reporters, while night to the printing team.

Prospective Marriage proposals are made through the matrimonial section,
Couples made in Heaven, get united through this medium.

Businessmen keep a STOCK of their current market assets,
While common people get to know their region’s various facets.

Employers look out for people through the Jobs section,
Promptly justifying for the daily, the youth’s profound fascination.

The Newspaper focuses at special occasions and festivals,
Giving deeper insights into relegious history and special rituals.

Some people inform about demise in the family, some about new arrivals,
Making the Newspaper synchronous with life’s destiny cycle.

The Newspaper comes in at but a nominal amount,
The Advertisements resulting in bulk of its revenue count.

Amongst World’s various cultures and Nationalities,
The Newspaper remains the common but ubiquitous entity.

The Newspaper served as a common thread in many great revolutions,
Such is its fate that it still fights terrorism, dowry, infanticide ,and corruption.

Abhishek Singh