The almighty made no difference at all,
The same blood flows through one and all.
God is one still varied names,
Devotion is the same but different lanes.
The barrier of caste divides us all,
Leading mankind to its unholy befall.
Hindus and Muslims are ever face to face,
Though belonging to the same race.
They need no reason to fight,
Not ever using the power of might.
Violence and killing is all they get,
In this brutal war of hatred.
One may belong to Bombay or Bihar or Bengal,
But none is an Indian amongst us all.
For us to have a sustainable Future,
Brotherhood and love are the feelings to nurture.
The people got to use their might,
Keeping fruitful future in sight.
The Prevailing force needs to be the thread of unity,
For a amicably secular society.
Abhishek Singh
Lets create a atmosphere for a united secular India where brotherhood and love comes before relegion.