Saturday, March 20, 2010

For The Students of My College

                      WHITE PAPER-On the ruckus at HIT

Phew! What a dramatic week we had at hit this navratra.The students of hit made sure that we had the most dramatic season of the festival this year around. I have embarked on the term “festival” as i wish to bring out to you the manner in which we celebrated it this year. Till last year we used to burst crackers, this year we blasted windowpanes. It was last summer that we chanted prayers ,this year we hurled slangs. Normally before a festival, in a typical Indian household the home is cleaned up to invite the lord, but the family at hit destroyed their house on the festival eve.Let the definations now be made clear.The family here refers to the students and teachers of hit who destroyed the ambience this time around.

The ides of march was equally brutal for our college as it was for Julius Caesar.Just as in Ceasar’s case , he was betrayed by his close friends,we similarly betrayed our own college.Caesar was stabbed at the back by his councillors in the name of patriotism,and we destroyed our college at the death of night in the context of resentment.

But to my friends at hit,i would like to put forward just one question:What if people start destroying their houses when theres a problem within??.I guess that day we’ll have the world rendered homeless.

I don’t want to be particularly harsh on the students as a clap requires a pair of hands to make a sound.When the son makes a mistake,it is the duty of the father to advise him right,give him proper guidelines for the future.But does the father nearly kills his son just to show that he was wrong????
The obvious answer to the above question is surely in negation.And this was what was expected from one of the most experienced and respected faculty of our college.

So what both the students and the college authority did was incorrect .But unfortunately the college had to bear the brunt for the mistakes of the two.

As i was thinking about the whole episode over and over again,I just struck across the principal cause of all evils.And The Reason which I think is the missing of a very essential parameter.and that parameter is:LOVE.

LOVE , a four letter word for most of us but has the strongest and purest connection between any two species.It is this parameter which is missing from our lives.The students don’t love their teachers and equally so the teachers don’t love their students.One cannot even in the wldest of dreams think of hitting his dear ones ,let alone doing so with weapons.But such an act was performed.Why??? because the bond of love was missing.

One cannot justify even pelting a small stone at his/her house.But in this case the whole house was run over,just because the feeling of love for the college was missing.

So what was the bond that held us along the whole path of life till now??That bond was respect,not in the true sense but as a fake commodity.The Students always respected their college,faculty members but never loved them.The vice versa case is for the faculty members as well.

So our ideal behaviour towards each other should be like in a manner that invites love and not just respect.when love is there ,respect is bound to come by.

With these words i wish to conclude my views about the unhappening incident for our college.and i surely wish that i would never have to have this feeling of Deja vu in the coming future.
