Sunday, September 9, 2012


As soon as the calendar showed the date one,
My heart started to  thump with thoughts of someone.

Every month she  messaged me upon her arrival,
It brought to the senses , joys of revival.

Though I got angry whenever she got late,
But eventual submission to her had become my fate.

With hushed steps , she quietly moved into my life,
Was dear to me, only next to my wife.

Our affair was well known even to my parents,
They too showered love upon her , proving no deterrent.

She was lean and thin when I was young,
Grew fat and healthy as  time sprung.

Her leanly figure was a sore to the eyes,
And her healthy body brought happiness in disguise.

Her blissful steps drove away all traces of negative radiance,
Every item in house took her permission before thy entrance.

She ever stood by me in moments of distress,
With her help only , I could please my mistress.

Her six letter name served as tonic to my hard work,
My wife being the queen, she being ‘My Lady Luck’.

She served as a measure of my life’s prosperity,
Truly justifying her pompous presence and austerity.

Abhishek Singh

It should better be known the lady talked about is none other than ‘My Monthly Salary’………………..And how she is important in everybody’s life.

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Friend of mine……………………………..

A friend of mine…..,
Benevolent to me as sunshine,
Had strands of hair as porcupine,
Shared baseless ramblings with confidence divine,
Such was a friend of mine…..

We sat for hours over a bottle of wine,
And took depart only once the clock struck nine.

We knew each girl in class, by their name and roll numbers,
Still toiled hard together, to get their phone numbers.

Seated in the library, we evaluated the girls by their looks,
Getting caught in the act, had to scamper for books.

Never to fall for a girl, was the oath we had taken,
But promises, like eggs, were meant to be broken.

For us, getting ready was just a ten minute affair,
Of which, eight minutes were spent in grooming the face and the hair.

We were always  first for food or college bus,
But for labs & classes, we never had the same inrush.

An hour in class seemed like a living hell,
While the same time span in the cafeteria went so well.

We had well in advance planning for outings and trips,
But we always took the exams at our own risks.

We managed our precious time for cricket or football,
But extra classes at college weren’t ever lucky to have our footfall.

Finally the placement season showed its arrival,
And thus began the ultimate battle 0f survival.

We worked out the hardest in our life,
And one could easily see the zeal in our strive.

And thereby passed, life’s phase of transition,
We both had secure decent job positions.

Both of us got placed in different reputed organizations,
The only difference was in their podium positions.

Then came, what eluded us for the last three years,
To my best friend, I was no longer too dear.

Though I got the job most coveted,
But I lost my friend, whom I was closely associated.

Till date nobody dared to seperate  our ways ,
But now bitterness in our relationship had its stay .

On the eve of our graduate valediction,
We were finally able to grease up our friction.

While there was hugs and best wishes all around ,
He expressed his grief through sobs and tears profound.


Saturday, March 31, 2012


The newspaper is quite an extraordinary invention,
Giving due updates about sports, politics and nation.

Hundreds of Hawkers sacrifice their sleep with glee,
In order to provide flavor to the morning tea.

The Hawkers roll the newspaper into its compact version,
And even tiny spaces of the balcony get hit with pinpoint precision.

The FrontPage tells aloud the dynamic overall summary,
Providing a glimpse of the wider inside story.

The pages get earmarked for different topics,
Last page for sports, page three for rumors and gossips.

Astrology, crosswords and puzzles make it a lively spot,
And each successfully printed page is marked by four colored dots.

Each printed set is a result of dedicated cooperative steam,
The day belonging to Reporters, while night to the printing team.

Prospective Marriage proposals are made through the matrimonial section,
Couples made in Heaven, get united through this medium.

Businessmen keep a STOCK of their current market assets,
While common people get to know their region’s various facets.

Employers look out for people through the Jobs section,
Promptly justifying for the daily, the youth’s profound fascination.

The Newspaper focuses at special occasions and festivals,
Giving deeper insights into relegious history and special rituals.

Some people inform about demise in the family, some about new arrivals,
Making the Newspaper synchronous with life’s destiny cycle.

The Newspaper comes in at but a nominal amount,
The Advertisements resulting in bulk of its revenue count.

Amongst World’s various cultures and Nationalities,
The Newspaper remains the common but ubiquitous entity.

The Newspaper served as a common thread in many great revolutions,
Such is its fate that it still fights terrorism, dowry, infanticide ,and corruption.

Abhishek Singh

Sunday, January 29, 2012

basaMt pMcamaI

hr vaYa- basaMt pMcamaI kao Aanao vaalaa yao idvasa .
hmaoM kr dota hO AanaMidt haonao pr ivavaSa ..

maa^M sarsvatI kI kaomala kRpa dRiYT .
pUNa- krtI [sa saMsaar kI saRiYT ..

Ca~ krto klama  iktaba Aaid kao namana .
Bai@t Baava AaOr [cCaAaoM sao Bar ]zta mana ..

hYaao- ]llaasa sao pirpUNa- yao %yaaohar .
]jjavala BaivaYya kI kamanaa ka hO War ..

pUro BaartvaYa- ko Ca~ vaga- kao hO jaaoD,ta .
eosaI  hO  [sa  pavana  pva-  kI  mah%ta ..

iSaxaa saMsqaanaaoM maoM pT jaatI ki~ma p`kaSa kI SaaoBaa .
pr maa^ sarsvatI ko mauK maNDla ko samaana kh^a [nakI AaBaa ..

dIpk kI jyaaoit sao p`kaiSat hao ]zta pUjaa sqala .
Bai@t Baava sao pirpUNa- hao jaata jaIvana ka hr ek pla ..

hr iksaI nao Apnao saunahro BaivaYya ko ilae hO sapnao sajaae .
maa^ sarsvatI kI kRpa dRiYT hotU ]nho doto saba kuC batae ..

baor AaOr Anya flaaoM sao pT jaata hO baajaar .
saBaI pr samaana $p sao Cata hO maa^ ka snaoh AaOr Pyaar ..

laD\DU imaza[yaaoM kI SaaoBaa kr dotI hO mana kao hiYa-t .
prMtU pUjaa saMpnna haonao ko phlao [nho doKkr hI rhnaa pD,ta hO p`fuillat ..

pMiDt jaI ka hr maM~ lagata hO saBaI kao BaarI .
hr iksaI kao tao basa rhtI hO p`saad imalanao kI baokrarI ..

kqaa pUjana ko daOrana khIM gaPpoM khIM naIMd BaI Saaimala hao jaatI .
prMtU AartI kI maQaUr QaUna sabakao madmast hO kr jaatI ..

yah  %yaaohar samaaja ko hr vaga- kao hO krIba laata .
AapsaI talamaola AaOr sadBaava ko maayanao hO samaJaata ..

saUrja kI phlaI ikrNa laatI hO ]%sava kI lahr .
hsaIM KuSaI kT jaata hO [sa idna ka hr phr ..

nama AaKaoM sao hma manaato hO maa^ sarsvatI ka ivada[- samaaraoh .
Agalao vaYa- jaldI Aanao ka rhta hO nama` Aaga`h ..

 Agalao [-svaI tk [sa ]%sava ka rhogaa [Mtjaar .
AaOr ya^U hI Apnao baccaaoM pr maa^ tuma barsaanaa mamatamayaI snaoh AaOr Pyaar ..

AiBaYaok isaMh